What is bluestacks 10
What is bluestacks 10

AVG and Avast particularly are known to be incompatible with Bluestacks. If you are using any 3 rd party antivirus software like Avast and AVG, then they might be responsible for Bluestacks crashing your computer. Solution 3: Disable/Uninstall 3 rd Party Antivirus Now, Bluestacks will update automatically if any update is due.

  • Select the About tab and then click on the Check for updates option.
  • Click on the Settings option from the drop-down menu.
  • Open Bluestacks and click on the menu button (3 horizontal straight bars).
  • If you can open Bluestacks, then update it by following the steps given below: If not, then update it to the latest version by downloading it from the official website. Outdated Bluestacks versions have been reported by many users to be the main cause of their problem. However, if the problem persists, then try the other solutions.
  • Now, locate the Hyper V option in the pop-up box and uncheck it.Īfter disabling the Hyper V, this issue should be resolved for you.
  • First, type Windows features in the Windows search bar and select the Turn Windows features on or off option.
  • To turn off Hyper V, follow the steps given below: Many users have reported that by disabling the Hyper V option, they were able to fix this issue. Hyper V is a virtualization technology tool that is developed by Microsoft. The most common reason for Bluestacks app crashing is the Hyper V feature. After troubleshooting these causes one by one, this issue should be resolved. Here Is What You Can Do When Bluestacks Keeps CrashingĪs mentioned above, there are various different causes that can lead to the crashing of Bluestacks.
  • Insufficient memory space can also lead to Bluestacks crashing.
  • Outdated graphics drivers are known to be responsible for various issues including this one.
  • what is bluestacks 10

    If you have such software installed, then that might be causing the problem. 3 rd party antivirus software like Avast and AVG are known to be incompatible with Bluestacks.Outdated or corrupted Bluestacks software is another common cause of this problem.Bluestacks mainly crashes when the Hyper V option is enabled as reported by the majority of the users who have faced this problem before.

    what is bluestacks 10

    2.5 Solution 5: Increase Page File Sizeīluestacks is crashing in Windows 10 mainly because of the following reasons:.2.4 Solution 4: Update Graphics Drivers.

    what is bluestacks 10

  • 2.3 Solution 3: Disable/Uninstall 3rd Party Antivirus.
  • 2.1 Solution 1: Turn Off The Hyper V Option.
  • what is bluestacks 10

    2 Here Is What You Can Do When Bluestacks Keeps Crashing.1 Why Is Bluestacks Crashing in Windows 10?.

    What is bluestacks 10